Values and Vision
College Values
Drawing on our rich and dynamic Salesian tradition, our values are captured using the acronym RUAH, which is the Hebrew word for the “Spirit of God,” who calls us to live with respect, understanding, affection and humour.
Our school community is based on mutual respect. The way that we speak to one another and the way we treat one another with dignity and respect is extremely important. As a school that follows the Salesian Tradition this should be obvious for anyone to see.
We need to recognise and celebrate each other’s different abilities, talents and skills. We need to try to understand ourselves and others better, particularly if things are difficult.
This means that we show kindness to others both in our school and in the wider community. It means that we establish and grow strong friendships to create an environment where everyone feels safe and happy.
Humour means we keep things in perspective all the time. We remember to enjoy school and all that it offers.
Salesian Charism
Xavier College is a Catholic school in the Salesian tradition. Our Salesian charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit and has it’s origins in the life and work of St John Bosco and his innovative way of working with and for young people. The foundation of St John Bosco’s Preventive System is, “reason, religion and loving-kindness.” His original work, the Oratory of St Francis de Sales, provides the inspiration for all Salesian centres throughout the world and is neatly summarised in the Charter for Salesian Schools in Australia as:
A home that welcomes
Allowing all to belong; fostering a spirit of joy, hope and optimism.
A parish that evangelises
Sharing the joy and wonder of knowing and loving Jesus.
A school that prepares for life
Cultivating curiosity and a love of life-long learning.
A playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves
Cultivating inclusive and life-affirming relationships.
College Motto
The motto of the College, ‘One in Christ’, expresses our unity as children of the one God, regardless of our background, race or heritage. We are children of God, blessed by God, gifted by God and given an opportunity to use these gifts for all people.
Our Vision
Xavier College provides an authentic Catholic learning environment that is animated by Salesian educational practices in relation to the holistic development of young people. The expectation is that all members of the College community will be transformed by their experiences into fuller, richer, deeper human beings. They will be inspired to achieve their personal best and to accept the responsibility to make a difference in the world. We are committed to the Living, Learning, Leading Framework of Catholic Education South Australia (CESA), which sees our students as, “thriving people, capable learners, and leaders for the world God desires.”

Strategic Plan
Xavier College is a dynamic and growing Catholic school in the Salesian tradition. Our Strategic Plan charts our desired development into the future. It is aligned to four key dimensions of school life: Administrative, Community, Educational and Religious.