
We are a College that believes in providing a high-value education in an equitable manner for all of our families.

Xavier College, like all schools, receives both State and Federal Government funding. However this does not meet the total cost of educating students and we rely heavily on tuition fees to supplement the cost of providing a high-quality Catholic education to all students.

College fees are as per the schedule below and are inclusive of Base Tuition, Resource Fees, Excursion/Incursion and ICT Levies.

If you have any questions regarding fees, please contact the College Finance Team on 8521 4500.

Annual Student Fees for 2024

Year Levels
Reception-Year 6
Years 7-9
Years 10-12
Full Fee Annual
Low Income Annual
Camp and Retreat Levy
(Applicable to Years 5, 7, 9, and 12.)

*Catholic Continuation Rebate (Evanston Campus)

A rebate of $200 ($80 low-income) will be given to students currently enrolled in Years 1-6 at our Evanston campus, who commenced at Xavier College Evanston in January 2023 as part of the St Brigid’s Catholic School amalgamation with Xavier College.

Camps and Retreat Levy

Year 5, 7, 9 and 12 will participate in a Camp/Retreat. Year level camps and retreats are an integral part of the curriculum, and all students are expected to attend. The total cost of these camps and retreats is subsidised by the College along with each student contribution of $300 and covers transport, accommodation, meals and all activities.

View the full 2024 Fee Schedule and further information here.

Early Payment Rebate

A rebate is available on the Annual Student Fees, for the current year where the entire Annual Student Fees is paid by 4 March 2024.

Upfront Rebate
Full Fees
Low Income
Year Levels
Per student


Sibling Rebate

Families with multiple students attending a Xavier College Campus will receive a Sibling Rebate per the table above.

Full Fees
Low Income
Year Levels
2 students
3 students
4+ students


Co-Catholic Rebate

Families who have a sibling at a Catholic School may be eligible for a rebate (one per family) of either $60 (R-6) or $120 (7-12), whichever is greater. This rebate is available upon application during Term 1. To request an application, please contact the College Finance Team.

Payment Plans

School Fees will be invoiced at the beginning of Term 1. For payment, families can choose from the following two options:


  • Full payment (less applicable rebates) to be received by 4 March 2024.
  • Payments can be made by BPAY, EFTPOS, Visa, Mastercard, Cash or Cheque at any campus Front Office

Direct Debit

Existing Families

  • Direct debits will be recalculated and you will be notified in writing before the end of the year of your new payment plan.

New Families

  • Complete a Direct Debit form; Page 1 for bank account, page 2 for Credit Card
  • Select weekly, fortnightly, or monthly repayments and preferred start date
  • Return Form to any campus Front Office, or via email by 4 March 2024
  • A Finance team member will contact you to confirm payment plan and required repayment amount

To set up a payment plan, please complete the Direct Debit Request Form and return it the to the College.
